{Events} Summer Book Club Featuring ‘Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things’

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Thursday, August 28th from 6-7:30pm

I am getting really excited for this edition of our Book Club as I am almost finished reading Cradle to Cradle, and it has opened my mind to new ways of thinking about how our everyday products are being made and what the potential is for continuing to make them in a truly sustainable way. But first, I would just encourage you to even pick up this book and feel it in your hands! It is not made of paper but something totally different (that’s all I will say- you will just have to go pick it up yourself!)

So often we hear about scaling back, reducing waste and recycling. These are all good things but what if we truly re-imagined, or ‘re-engineered’ the way products are actually made so that when we are finished using them, they contribute to the well being of the planet, putting nutrients back into our earth instead of depleting them? We just love this book for its completely unique take on the environmental movement pioneered by Michael Braungart and William McDonough, It is a new way forward for our planet; one that is intentional and produces much less waste overall. This call to action explores not only what companies can do differently but how we play an integral part in pushing for change. When we shift our societal paradigm, we can explore alternatives that go beyond simply recycling. Read more about the book. Come ready to discuss the book (at least if you have read a portion of it!)- your thoughts, points of inspirations, and challenges. Snacks and good company provided plus 10% off your purchase that night!

Takes place at the store, 5401 W. Vliet Street. Call us at 414-443-9606 with any questions!

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  • Tuesday–Friday from 12pm–6pm
  • Saturday from 10am–4pm
  • Sunday and Monday Closed
  • 5401 W. Vliet Street
  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Phone: 414.443.9606
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